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My Feelings

Again the same me and again my story.

 People  usually say after being betrayed in  love," i made a big mistake by loving him"but i don't want to say that,my love taught me a lot.The black picture behind that innocent face of the people.
Some people cannot understand and recognize pure love.Nowadays, everyone is running after appearances.

Time and time again and again you made me cry and i cried silently,my teary eyes may have called you many times but you couldn't read my eyes . You don't feel any pity for me, if you did, you wouldn't have a happy smile on your face on the day you left me. I may not shed tears in front you, but that doesn't mean i didn't want to be in your arm and cry like a baby. That day i thought you didn't understand me even after being in a relationship for so many years

It's very hard to believe when you know that "your love belongs to someone else". Even today, when i sit in solitude, i miss you dear.  If you don't know how to keep your promise, why did you show me hope by saying i will. Then you went kicking my love,i didn't even think you would do that. After that you gave me nonsense reason and you left me.

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